Star Wars Clone Trooper Voice Changer Helmet
From Hasbro

Star Wars Clone Trooper Voice Changer Helmet - Christmas Popular Toys 2008

Customer Reviews

Has some flaws...3
First, it took a tremendous amount of time to assemble this out of the box. Then adjusting it to fit my 9 year old's head so that he could both see out the visor and speak into the microphone took many more adjustments. It is still way too big for him. My son likes the phrases that it says and thinks they sound realistic. However, he cannot wear this helmet without holding it on his head to prevent it from falling off. Unfortunately, he couldn't wear it trick-or-treating for Halloween, which was it's intended purpose. Overall, he likes the toy but I wish we could have tried it on him before buying it. If you know someone who has it, try it on first!!!

Good Helmet and good Halloween costume! :D5
This helment is made to fit an adult. Other customers bought it for younger children and said it looks awkward, which it does. My 15 yr. old son wore the helmet with the "deluxe" Clone Trooper costume for Halloween and got a lot of praise. People actually stopped him on the street to take pictures of him! If you want your older child to look like a realistic Clone Trooper, you should buy this item. You don't need to stick with the cheap helmet mask that comes with most costumes. The helmets at the costume shops cost about $49 and does not have a voice changer, they also are not made to last. The quality of this helmet is excellent. Buy it from Amazon, it will arrive in pristine condition as opposed to the helmets on display at the stores which are covered with sticky germs with the boxes ripped to shreds.

My nephew enjoyed the helmet when he first got it and still played with it from time to time. Once assembled correctly which took some time it is quite durable and sturdy.

Join the Grand Army of the Republic
Preparing for your first mission as a Clone Trooper is quick and easy. Before you assemble the helmet, adjust the straps on the insert to fit your child, then snap it into place. We had to try several times before the two back pieces and the front of the helmet snapped together neatly. Once we got the three pieces aligned correctly, they attached securely, producing a sleek, sturdy helmet. The three "AA" batteries that power audio features come already installed.

Featuring realistic details, including a tinted visor, a crest on top, and clone-inspired colors, this durable, plastic helmet has three buttons on the right side that prompt five different sayings from the Clone Wars TV show. A button that issues radio static keeps communication interesting, and commands like "Cover Me!" and "All units fire at will!" add a quick adrenaline rush to any battle. Plus, there's a voice-modulator microphone so kids (and adults) can issue their own statements in a cool clone voice.

Experience Intergalactic Role Playing
Whether part of a Halloween custom, an everyday role-playing game, or a display in the ultimate collector's bedroom, this Clone Trooper helmet brings home all the excitement of Star Wars. We were floored by the accuracy and durability of its construction. Plus the tinted visor was much easier to see through than we expected, as long as the helmet was sized correctly.

The size and weight that make this helmet so realistic and durable did cause us to worry about how easy it would be for smaller children to wear. It's true that the straps inside adjust to fit small heads, but that doesn't prevent the size of the helmet itself from being awkward. Similarly, the microphone is adjustable, but it can still be stuck too far away from a small child's mouth. This means that the helmet has to be lifted by hand to speak through the microphone.

More : Top Christmas Popular Toys 2008 for 8 to 11 Years
