Bop It Extreme 2
From Hasbro
16th of UK-Top Christmas Toys 2008 ListThat was totally wicked!!!
Ok, buy it as a Top Christmas Toys present for some kid if you really want to. But why not buy it for yourself? It's utterly brilliant! It's brings out the competitive side in a really fun way and is a great reflexes game that doesn't injure anyone.
this was the best ever thing i played my mum my dad my bro and sis love it too it tells you the highscore if you twist it spin it changes sounds bop it starts the game flick it gives you 2 versions sounds or voice very copetitive game i have the highscore 126 !!! i highly recomend for all ages.the only bad point if your not american the accents are very hard but you will get used to it it often comes out twip it when its twist it.
Bop to the Top Christmas Toys!
As a game it will last you about 3 - 4 months before you reach the high score of 250. When you start off, 250 seems a long way away! But as you get practise your sure to get very competitive with yourself! Good for kids from 3 years old onwards till about 14. Then 21 & up! It has three different modes of playing. One of the best ones is "Pass it" where you have about a minute long turn & then it ells you to pass it to the person nearest! The chain should keep going until someone misses. Then that person is out. And you have to start the chain again not including that person!